
Website Interface Design (2017)


The development of the Think of Us application was done in two phases: web followed by mobile. The two primary users for the application are supportive adults and the system involved youth they support. These supporters are both paid system professionals as well as general people involved in the lives of these young people. For both sides of the product, the core value of having youth at the center of their own plan was the most important factor for design. Youth account holders have the final say on almost all actions within the platform down to what goals they create and what supporters they invite. This may not seem revolutionary from a technology background but for those in child welfare- this is breaking the mold. Below are sample screens (broken down by feature) for both existing and planned features.



Mobile Interface Design (2018)

The development of the Think of Us application was done in two phases: web followed by mobile. These two vantage points for users’ information shares the same database and would (hopefully) have the same functionality. As the sole designer for the first three months of the mobile development, I worked very closely with both our CTO and CEO to create the interface designs below. The application is designed for two groups of users (Supportive Adults and Youth) and is intended to compliment the web version of the product. Below are sample screens (broken down by feature) for both existing and planned features.